Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The sadness of Dilbertville in Cubicland

One of the problems with working where I do is the cubicle set up. It is loud, irritating, and pretty much adds to the drudgery around here. The moral is some of the lowest I've seen and I've seen some pretty bad places. There are only about seven people under 50 in this office and they do anything they can to try and add some life to the place. Under the office's policy we are "prevented" from buying cakes for people's b-days and it is up to the individual having the b-day to bring in their own cake. What kind of horrible BS is that? And they wonder why no one wants to work here. Anyway, the young folks here have formed a sort of bond that has led to a rebellion of sorts. Part of that rebellion is to hold B-day surprises for people such as decorating their cubes and buying them cake and presents. Here are a couple of the recent b-day celebrations that have taken place. Viva la Revolucion!!


Evil_Homer said...

Dude, thats a messed up policy. Hey, off topic, I found a place here in town that sells Santa Cruz bikes. Gonna check it out this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Dear Government Employee:

Due to our recent discovery of your website, we have decided that our employees do in fact enjoy too many freedoms. After our final papers get approved through the Department of Human Resources on March 29th, 2006, your bathroom priveleges will be revoked. We will be purchasing 20 shuttle buses that will drive our employees to one of our 10 new outhouses which will be placed on the outskirts of Austin, Nevada. One shuttle will leave every 10 minutes. During the course of transportation, your vacation hours will be deducted for the drive time, rounded off to the nearest half-hour.

Thank you for your Cooperation!

Bureau of Governmental Employment

DeadTaco said...

Gotta love political correctness overkill. Time to watch "office space" again.