Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ninety Miles of Sunshine and Chip Seal

Been a while since I've updated the posts here. Debra and I belong to an impromptu group of road riders that have formed around the spin classes at World Gym. The groups leader, also impromptu, is Dennis. Besides being a great instructor and very knowledgable rider he is often the drive behind the group going out and riding in different areas. This may include local rides or longer centuries in California or wherever. Over the past couple of months the group has been toying with the idea of doing a century (100 mile) ride in Death Valley National Park. Through the efforts of Dennis and others we were able to plan and execute the trip. The final decision was to ride 44 miles from Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley to Scotty's Castle. The ride would consist of a consistent slow climb from sea level and finally topping off at 3200 feet. Temperatures were in the low eighties for the majority of the ride and the weather was absolutely perfect. The ride went suprisingly well considering that many people hadn't been riding for the past couple of months due to the cold weather in Reno and Carson City. Out of 21 riders 14 completed the entire route. The largest issues the group faced were the rough vibration from the chip seal roads and the comlplete lack of shade, bathrooms, or anything else out on the desert flats. For the most part though, everyone did very well.

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