Sunday, October 05, 2008

Riding Canyonlands National Park

One of the better rides we did was into Canyonlands National Park starting a few miles from Highway 192 coming out of Moab. This made for an approximately 50 mile out and back trip. We unfortunately ran out of time and food and didn't complete both ends of the Y shaped park, but it was worth ever moment going down the Grandview where the view could easily compete with that of the Grand Canyon. It's hard to describe just how awesome this park is. The views are beyond compare and the roads not that heavily traveled. The only thing really missing is any food source once you are in the park. There's water at the visitor center but little else. Pack lots of goodies and enjoy the ride!

PS: The pictures of the dirt road are the road that Debra and I took our 4X4 down. Awesome!!!

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