Monday, January 23, 2006

The Lack of Recent Posts and Malaysian Manufacturing

Well, I've been very behind in making any recent posts. I have a tendency to want to post pictures with all my updates in order to make it a little more interesting and to show people what's up. Unfortunately my digital camera managed to get a lot of lint or other annoying materials on the CCD. Not sure how that happened but there is definitely a lack of seals to prevent the introduction of foreign materials into the camera. So, being the smartest guy in the world (please note this is with extreme sarcasm) I decided that if a 12 year old Malaysian could assemble the camera then I could darn well open it up and clean the CCD. I at least was smart enough to put down a soft plush towel on the work surface that I was at, and this saved me some headaches. Using micro screwdrivers I removed the screws holding the back and front metal panels in place and then proceeded to pull them apart. As soon as the casings were removed parts of the camera fell out everywhere. Not a single piece was screwed, glued, or tabbed into place. The majority of the cameras electronics were connected to the main board along with the lense assembly, but the mics, protective inserts, space filling metal pieces, etc. fell out all over the place. Instant Chinese puzzle. The only thing I was happy about was I could now get high pressure air can to spray into the area of the CCD. It took about an hour for me to get the camera back together after cleaning it out only to find out the lint had migrated from the middle of the CCD to the far corner still causing problems with the final images. Had to take it apart again and do it all over again. I am now an expert at blowing up and then reassembling a Sony DSC-7 camera. Seems to be working all right, at least for now. New posts to follow shortly.

1 comment:

Evil_Homer said...

Dude, return it! Or do the Eric way. Which is to buy the same camera at say, Best Buy. Put the old one in the box. Save the new one, and return the box to the store and play stupid, like, I needed a 'film' camera, or 'its not compatable with my lenses'. The minimum wage person behind the desk could really care less! Try, it!