Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Skiing and Broken Bodies

The picture is of Mt. Rose Ski Resort. The bowl in the middle of the shot is where Sara went down. Well, skiing this year has had its ins and outs. Debra and I have been doing fairly well without any major wrecks except for the usual face plants. But some of our friends haven't been so luck. Tom C. has been the worst. He had a fairly severe crash that has broken three of his lumbar vertebrae and disk. It occured while skiing in Silverton Colorado. It appears to have been a freak accident resulting from a slight dip in the snow that sent him crashing into some rocks. He's doing better now but had some complications resulting in his digestive system shutting down. He should be on his way back to Reno about this time and will by staying at his parents place. Luckily he wasn't paralyzed but it will be sometime before he can easily get around again. Alex's wife Sara had a pretty bummer of a crash also. Tore her ACL on a crash at Mt. Rose. Although not as viscious as Tom's crash she will still be out for some time. Also, talked to my ex-roomate Eric. He had a serious crash that has resulted in his being blind in one eye. Ouch. All these accidents have had Debra and I skiing a little more paranoid than usual. We're hoping that the bad luck has finally ended for the year. Let's hope it's true.

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