Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Melbourne Australia!

Well, I'm finally getting around to catching up on my blog posts. These are from part of the two weeks I spent running around the East Coast of Australia. This first post is Melbourne and all its glory. Actually, it's not a bad place, but very much reminded me of the Bay Area (California). Fun to wander around and explore, but without a car Sydney wins hands down for the best place to visit in my opinion. The one thing that I really did like about Melbourne though is its mass transit system and the huge amount of bike commuters. Based on that alone, I could live in a place like this! Well, sort of. From what I could see outside of the city limits there wasn't a whole lot out there. Anyway, here's the pics. Let me know if you have questions.

1 comment:

lost said...

i'm glad you're finally posting again! i still love all the night shots!