Monday, November 21, 2005

Out of Control Editing

Well, if there is one thing I'm not is a programmer. One thing I am. . .is a programming time bomb. I know just enough to cause a catastrophic collapse of anything HTML or related. Well, I found out about the template editor and have been playing around. I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing and have had to correct many a change I've made to try and get things back to normal. Yikes. As you can see by the dumb image of the tank in the sidebar I sometimes do things and don't know how to back out of it. Anyway, I think I've figured it out but my break here at work is over so I'll have to go and remove the picture later. At least it's "Powered by Beans"! If this blog looks really messed up in your computer let me know with some details on what you're seeing and I'll try to improve it. Or at least attempt to. Now where's that dynamite again?

1 comment:

Evil_Homer said...

Wasn't raining in Auburn? NICE! Its been snowing here every day pretty much. Which mexican resta-raunt was it? I've been to pretty much all of them there. Is is the one where you walk in and they have that brick patio thingy? Cool ride! I want to get a new bike this summer and a couple of kayaks. I really want to kayak the snake river. Its BIG and deep and slow moving like the amazon down here through Pocatello. Up near closer to Yellowstone its pretty darn hairy. Could be fun.