Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Road Bike Madness

One of my new and favorite past times around these parts is combining road biking and photography. It's amazing to me how much distance someone can cover in a day of riding a bike around. And it's even cooler to see how many things there are to photograph as you ride along. Most of the time I think people are just driving along and only get a glance at the many things along the roads they are driving. Being on the bike gives you a lot more time to contemplate the many things you see as you're pedaling along. Things like "Why did they throw out that perfectly good hat?" or more likely around these parts "How can so many people drink Red Wolf Vodka, pitch out the bottles, and still make it home without killing someone or themselves in the process". But really, there are a lot of cool things to take the time to take pictures of. I highly recommend the roadbiking if you can deal with the traffic. Fantastic workout (I lost 15 pounds over this summer), lots to see, and 50 to a 100 miles a day without thinking about anything more than where to eat lunch. Totally awesome!


Evil_Homer said...

Hey Man!!!! Thats sooo cool. Having a brand new custom house is great. We totally love it!!! Having 2 mortgages is the suck though. Sounds like you have quite a bit of time to sell the place it seems as your not moving into your new place until June. What is the new place going for? Our custom home is 222000.00. Thats towards the high end for pocatello, but its totally custom. The lot could have been bigger, but I guess the good part is that theres not as much to have to landscape.

DeadTaco said...

Good to see a family blog ring starting up :)

I definitely need to buy a bike. The wife and I got a new camera and have been dying to go on a good photo expedition. Grab your wifey and give us a call!